‘What’s Love Got To Do With It’ scored by Nitin Sawhney will be released in cinemas the 24th February. The romantic comedy-drama is directed by Shekhar Kapur, written by Jemima Khan and stars Lily James, Shazad, Shabana Azmi, Emma, Sajal Aly, Oliver Chris, Asim Chaudhry, Jeff Mirza, Alice Orr-Ewing, and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan.
‘How do you find lasting love in today’s world? For documentary-maker and dating app addict Zoe (Lily James), swiping right has only delivered an endless stream of Mr Wrongs, to her eccentric mother Cath’s (Emma Thompson) dismay. For Zoe’s childhood friend and neighbour Kaz (Shazad Latif), the answer is to follow his parents’ example and opt for an arranged (or “assisted”) marriage to a bright and beautiful bride from Pakistan. As Zoe films his hopeful journey from London to Lahore to marry a stranger, chosen by his parents, she begins to wonder if she might have something to learn from a profoundly different approach to finding love.’
Nitin’s soundtrack is set to be released digitally on the 24th February and the track ‘Mahi Sona (AKA The Wedding Song)’ co-produced by Nitin & Naughty Boy has already been released – check it out below.