The fourth season of the hugely popular crime drama ‘The Bay’, featuring a score by Samuel Sim begins airing the 8th March on ITV and ITVX. Marsha Thomason returns as DS Jenn Townsend, starring alongside Daniel Ryan, Erin Shanagher and Andrew Dowbiggin.
The series synopsis reads: “When young mum of four Beth Metcalf dies in what seems to be a targeted attack, Morecambe’s MIU team are called to the scene. Jenn immediately realises this shattered family will need every support available to them. Bereft husband Dean finds himself at sea. Numb from shock and completely unprepared for being the sole carer to his four children he struggles at every turn – unable to process what’s happened. As Jenn, Manning and the team dig deeper into the case, they discover secrets and lies lurk beneath every surface.”