The new thriller series ‘No Escape’ featuring an original score by Dominik Scherrer premieres the 18th May on Paramount+. The 7-part series is written by Kris Mrksa, directed by Hans Herbots, and produced by New Pictures. It stars Abigail Lawrie, Rhianne Barreto, Sean Keenan, Jay Ryan, Jake Macapagal, Colette Dalal Tchantcho, Elmo Anton Stratz, Narayan David Hecter, Josh McConville and Susie Porter.
‘No Escape follows best friends Lana and Kitty, who are on the run from their lives in the UK. Together they find refuge on a romantic yacht, The Blue, crewed by a group of enigmatic people sailing through South East Asia. But The Blue harbours dark secrets and the paradise the girls thought they had found turns into a nightmare’
Watch the trailer for ‘No Escape’ below.