The new BBC Three drama series ‘Grime Kids’ will air on BBC Three on Monday 13th November at 10pm. Chris Roe has composed the original score for the series which is produced by Mammoth Screen and stars Shanu Hazzan, Juwon Adedokun, Gabriel Robinson, Tienne Simon and Yus Jamal Crookes.
‘Inspired by DJ Target’s book, Grime Kids is an original drama exploring the emergence of grime music from subculture to international phenomenon, written by Bafta-nominated and BIFA-winning writer Theresa Ikoko.
Grime Kids charts the rise of a fictional group of young adults growing up in the late 90s, dreaming of being able to make their voice heard through grime music. Set against a backdrop of real events and cultural moments, Grime Kids reveals how grime, born from within British housing estates, took over the world.’