The new thriller series ‘Boat Story’ featuring a score by Dominik Scherrer premieres Sunday 19th November, 9pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer. The show stars Daisy Haggard, Paterson Joseph, Tchéky Karyo, Joanna Scanlan, Craig Fairbrass and Phil Daniels and is written by Harry and Jack Williams (The Tourist, Baptiste) and produced by their production company Two Brothers Pictures.
‘When two strangers discover a haul of illegal drugs on a washed-up boat, luck soon turns to misfortune as they become the targets of a vengeful mob boss, his hitman and the police.
At its heart, Boat Story is an action-thriller about two ordinary people whom the world has turned its back on, and whether they’re willing – or desperate enough – to do something crazy to get what they want in life. Pushed to the very edge, can they trust each other and get away with their lives and the money?
Boat Story embodies twists and turns with character-driven, surprising storytelling. Off-beat humour contrasts with high-octane action sequences against the spectacular backdrop of the beautiful, windswept Yorkshire coastline.’
Watch the trailer for ‘Boat Story’ below.